Publications of 2006

Young, J., McEwan, G., Greenberg, S. and Sharlin, E. (2006)
Aibo Surrogate - A Group-Robot Interface. In Demonstration and short paper, Adjunct Proceedings ACM CSCW 2006.
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Tse, E., Shen, C., Greenberg, S. and Forlines, C. (2006)
Enabling Interaction with Single User Applications through Speech and Gestures on a Multi-User Tabletop. In Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI'06. (Venezia, Italy), ACM Press, pages 336-343, May 23-26. Earlier version as MERL Technical Report TR2005-130, December.
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Tse, E., Greenberg, S. and Shen, C. (2006)
Exploring Interaction with Multi User Speech and Whole Handed Gestures on a Digital Table. In Demonstration and short paper, Adjunct Proceedings ACM UIST 2006. See accompanying minute madness video presented at the conference.
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Tse, E., Greenberg, S. and Shen, C. (2006)
Multi User Multimodal Tabletop Interaction over Existing Single User Applications. In Demonstration and short paper, Adjunct Proceedings ACM CSCW 2006.
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Tse, E., Greenberg, S. and Shen, C. (2006)
Motivating Multimodal Interaction Around Digital Tabletops. In Video Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'06. ACM Press, November. Video and two page paper, duration 3:25.
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Tse, E., Greenberg, S. and Shen, C. (2006)
GSI DEMO: Multiuser Gesture / Speech Interaction over Digital Tables by Wrapping Single User Applications. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces - ICMI'06. (Banff, Canada), ACM Press, pages 76-83, November 2-4. Earlier version as Report 2006-833-26 and TR2006-46 (MERL), May.
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Tse, E. (2006)
Multimodal Co-located Collaboration. In UIST Doctorial Consortium, Adjunct Proceedings of ACM UIST 2006. See also minute madness video presented at the conference.
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Tee, K., Greenberg, S., McEwan, G. and Gutwin, C. (2006)
Sharing Desktops with the Community Bar. In Demonstration and short paper, Adjunct Proceedings ACM CSCW 2006.
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Tee, K., Greenberg, S., Gutwin, C. and McEwan, G. (2006)
Shared Desktop Media Item: The Video. In Demonstration and short paper, Adjunct Proceedings ACM CSCW 2006, November. Video and two page paper, duration 4:00.
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Tee, K., Greenberg, S. and Gutwin, C. (2006)
Providing Artifact Awareness to a Distributed Group through Screen Sharing. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW 2006, pages 99-108, November 4-8. Earlier version as Report 2006-828-01, March.
PDF Paper PowerPoint Presentation
Tang, A., Neustaedter, C. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
VideoArms: Embodiments for Mixed Presence Groupware. In N. Bryan-Kinns, A. Blanford, P. Curzon and L. Nigay (Eds.) People and Computers XX - Engage (Proceedings of BCS-HCI 2006), pages 85-102. Springer, September. Several earlier versions as: Embodiments and VideoArms in Mixed Presence Groupware, Report 2004-741-06, and as: Embodiments for Mixed Presence Groupware, Report 2004-769-34, December.
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Tam, J. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
A Framework for Asynchronous Change Awareness in Collaborative Documents and Workspaces. International Journal of Human Computer Studies - IJHCS, 64(7):583-598. Elsevier. Mirrored from Science Direct. This paper is an expansion of our earlier CRIWG'04 conference paper.
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Smale, S. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
Transient Life: Collecting and sharing personal information. In Proceedings of OZCHI'06. (Sydney, Australia), pages 31-38, November 20-24.
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Shen, C., Ryall, K., Forlines, C., Esenther, A., Vernier, F.D., Everitt, K., Wu, M., Wigdor, D., Morris, M.R., Hancock, M. and Tse, E. (2006)
Informing the Design of Direct-Touch Tabletops. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications - IEEE CG&E, 26(5):36-46. IEEE Press, September.
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Nunes, M., Greenberg, S., Carpendale, S. and Gutwin, C. (2006)
Demonstrating Timeline: Video Traces for Awareness. In Demonstration and short paper, Adjunct Proceedings ACM CSCW 2006.
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Nunes, M., Greenberg, S., Carpendale, S. and Gutwin, C. (2006)
Timeline: Video Traces for Awareness. In Video Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'06. ACM Press, November. Video and two page paper, duration 4:44.
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Nunes, M., Greenberg, S., Carpendale, S. and Gutwin, C. (2006)
Video Traces. In Karahalios, K. and Viegas, F. (Eds.) ACM CHI 2006 Workshop on Social Visualization: Exploring Text, Audio, and Video Interactions. On-line proceedings. Includes video shown at the workshop.
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Neustaedter, C., Brush, A.J. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
A Demo of Family Calendaring using LINC. In Demonstration and short paper, Adjunct Proceedings ACM CSCW 2006.
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Neustaedter, C., Brush, A.J. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
LINC, An Inkable Digital Family Calendar. In Video Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'06. ACM Press, November. Video and two page paper, duration 3:34.
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Neustaedter, C. and Brush, A.J. (2006)
"LINC-ing" the Family: The Participatory Design of an Inkable Family Calendar. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction - ACM CHI'06. (Montreal, Quebec), ACM Press, pages 141-150, April 24-27. This work was done while Neustaedter was an MSR intern.
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Neustaedter, C., Elliot, K. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
Interpersonal Awareness in the Domestic Realm. In Proceedings of OZCHI. (Sydney, Australia), pages 15-22, November 20-24. Earlier versions as: Understanding How to Design Awareness Groupware for the Home, Report 2005-787-18, May, and: Where Are You and When Are You Coming Home? Foundations of Interpersonal Awareness, Report 2004-760-25, October.
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Neustaedter, C., Greenberg, S. and Boyle, M. (2006)
Blur Filtration Fails to Preserve Privacy for Home-Based Video Conferencing. ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interactions - ACM TOCHI, 13(1):1-36, March. Earlier quite different version as: Balancing Privacy and Awareness for Telecommuters Using Blur Filtration, Report 2003-719-22, February.
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McEwan, G., Greenberg, S., Rounding, M. and Boyle, M. (2006)
Groupware Plug-ins: A Case Study of Extending Collaboration Functionality through Media Items. In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Collaboration Technologies - CollabTech 2006. (Tsukuba, Japan), IPSJ SIG Groupware and Network Services, pages 42-47, July 13-14. Best paper nominee. Earlier version as Report 2006-822-15, February.
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McEwan, G. (2006)
Community Bar: Designing for Informal Awareness and Casual Interaction. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September.
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Isenberg, T., Neumann, P., Carpendale, S., Nix, S. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
Interactive Annotations on Large, High-Resolution Information Displays. In Conference Compendium of IEEE VIS, IEEE InfoVis, and IEEE VAST, pages 124-125. IEEE Computer Society, November. Two page paper and poster.
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Hancock, M., Miller, J., Greenberg, S. and Carpendale, S. (2006)
Exploring Visual Feedback of Change Conflict in a Distributed 3D Environment. In Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces - AVI'06. (Venezia, Italy), ACM Press, pages 209-216, May 23-26.
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Greenberg, S. and Tse, E. (2006)
SDGToolkit in Action. In Video Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'06. ACM Press, November. Video and two page paper, duration 7:14.
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Greenberg, S. and McEwan, G. (2006)
Reflecting on Several Metaphors for Media Spaces. In CSCW'06 Workshop on Media Space - Reflecting on 20 Years - A workshop held at ACM CSCW'06. Steve Harrison, Organizer.
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Greenberg, S. and Boyle, M. (2006)
Custom Notification. Research report iLab-2006-1, Grouplab, Dept. Computer Science, University of Calgary. Duration 6:54.
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Greenberg, S. and Boyle, M. (2006)
Generating Custom Notification Histories by Tracking Visual Differences between Web Page Visits. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface - GI'06. (Quebec City, Canada), pages 227-234, June 7-9. Earlier version as Tracking Visual Differences for Generation and Playback of User-Customized Notifications, Report 2005-777-08, April.
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Greenberg, S., Mark, G., Fussell, S. and Inkpen, K. (2006)
From the Papers and Notes Chairs. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'06. ACM Press, v-vi.
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Greenberg, S. (2006)
Reconsidering HCI in the Age of Social, Ubiquitous and Domestic Computing. In Proceedings of VII Congreso Internacional de Interacional de Interaccion Persona-Ordenadorion - Interraccion'06. AIPO-Asociacion Interaccion Persona-Ordenador, 4 pages, November 13-17.
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Greenberg, S. (2006)
Creating Stories Over Distance. THEN Journal: Technologies, Humanities, Education, & Narrative, Issue 4, September. Commentary. See the on-line journal.
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Elliot, K., Neustaedter, C. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
Sticky Spots and Flower Pots: Two Case Studies in Location-Based Home Technology Design. Research report 2006-830-23, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April.
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Elliot, K., Neustaedter, C. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
Sticky Spots: A Location-Based Messaging System for the Home. In Video Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'06. ACM Press, November. Video and two page paper, duration 4:55.
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Elliot, K. (2006)
Contextual Locations in the Home. Master's thesis, Dept. Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, December.
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Diaz-Marino, R. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
Demonstrating How to Construct a Sonic Ecology for Media Spaces through Cambience. In Demonstration and short paper, Adjunct Proceedings ACM CSCW 2006.
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Diaz-Marino, R. and Greenberg, S. (2006)
Cambience: A Video-Driven Sonic Ecology for Media Spaces. In Video Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'06. ACM Press. Video and two page paper, duration 3:52.
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