Miguel Nacenta
Ledo, D., Nacenta, M. , Marquardt, N., Boring, S. and Greenberg, S. (2012) The HapticTouch Toolkit: Enabling Exploration of Haptic Interactions. In Proceedings of the ACM 6th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - TEI'2012. (Kingston, Ontario, Canada), ACM Press, 8 pages, February 19-22. Includes Video Figure, Duration: 4:01. Earlier version as Report 2011-1012-24 (pdf) and (video). | ||
Ledo, D., Nacenta, M., Marquardt, N., Boring, S. and Greenberg, S. (2011) The HapticTouch Toolkit: Enabling Exploration of Haptic In-teractions. Research report 2011-1012-24, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September. Includes video figure, duration ~4:00. | ||
Ledo, D., Marquardt, N., Nacenta, M. and Greenberg, S. (2010) Application Programming Interface (API) for the Haptic Tabletop Puck. In 5th Annual Students' Union Undergraduate Research Symposium. (Calgary, AB, Canada), 1 page poster, November 24. Special mention: one of only three posters invited for oral presentation to audience. | ||
Jota, R., Nacenta, M., Jorge, J., Carpendale, S. and Greenberg, S. (2010) A Comparison of Ray Pointing Techniques for Very Large Displays. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface - GI'2010. ACM Press, 8 pages, May 31 - June 2. Includes attached Video Figure, duration 1:49. Earlier version as: Report 2009-942-21 (September, 2009).. | ||
Marquardt, N., Nacenta, M., Young, J., Carpendale, S., and Greenberg, S. and Sharlin, E. (2009) The Haptic Tabletop Puck: The Video. In DVD Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS'09. (Banff, Canada), ACM Press, November 23-25. Duration 3:22. See companion paper. | ||
Marquardt, N., Nacenta, M., Young, J., Carpendale, S., and Greenberg, S. and Sharlin, E. (2009) The Haptic Tabletop Puck: Tactile Feedback for Interactive Tabletops. In Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS'09. (Banff, Canada), ACM Press, pages 93-100, November 23-25. Includes Video Figure, also published as a standalone video (below). Earlier version as: Report 2009-936-15 and its video. |