Publications of 2009

Voida, S. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
WikiFolders: Augmenting the Display of Folders to Better Convey the Meaning of Files. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM CHI'09. ACM Press, pages 1679-1682, April 4-9. Earlier version available as Report 2008-913-26 (2008).
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Voida, A. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
Wii All Play: The Console Game as a Computational Meeting Place. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM CHI'09. ACM Press, pages 1559-1568, April 4-9. Earlier version available as Report 2008-912-25 (2008).
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Tee, K., Greenberg, S. and Gutwin, C. (2009)
Artifact Awareness through Screen Sharing for Distributed Groups. International Journal of Human Computer Studies - IJHCS, 67:677-702, September (on-line: April 18). Corrected proofs. Earlier different version as Report 2008-898-11.
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Tang, A., Greenberg, S. and Fels, S. (2009)
Exploring Video Streams using Slit-Tear Visualization. In Video Showcase, DVD Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM CHI'09. (Boston, USA), ACM Press, April 4-9. Video and extended abstract, duration 4:28. Earlier longer version as Report 2008-897-10. Also see related AVI'08 paper.
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Tang, A., Lanir, J., Greenberg, S. and Fels, S. (2009)
Supporting Transitions in Work: Informing Large Display Application Design by Understanding Whiteboard Use. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work - ACM GROUP'09. ACM Press, pages 149-158, May 10-13. Earlier different version available as Report TR-2008-04, Dept Comp Science, UBC (2008).
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Saulnier, P., Sharlin, E. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
Using brain-robot interfaces for controlling implicit social patterns. In Workshop on Brain Machine Interfaces for Neuroprostheses and Robot Control, held at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (Kobe, Japan), 3 pages plus poster, May 12. A version of the similar HRI poster/paper above by the same authors.
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Saulnier, P., Sharlin, E. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
Using Bio-electrical Signals to Influence the Social Behaviours of Domesticated Robots. In Adjunt Proc. Human Robot Interaction (Late Breaking Abstracts) - HRI'09. (San Diego, California), 2 pages plus poster, March 11-13. Late-breaking abstract. Includes poster shown at conference.
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Pawson, M. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
Extremely Rapid Usability Testing. Journal of Usability Studies, 4(3):124-135, May. Earlier version as Report 2008-918-31, October.
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Patel, N., Clawson, J., Voida, A. and Lyons, K. (2009)
Mobiphos: A study of user engagement with a mobile collocated-synchronous photo sharing application. International Journal of Human Computer Studies-IJHCS (Special Issue on Collocated Social Practices Surrounding Photos, Eds: S. Linley, A. Durrant, D. Kirk and A. Taylor), 67:1048-1059, December. See related conference paper.
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Nunes, M., Greenberg, S. and Neustaedter, C. (2009)
Using Physical Memorabilia as Opportunities to Move into Collocated Digital Photo Sharing. International Journal of Human Computer Studies-IJHCS (Special Issue on Collocated Social Practices Surrounding Photos, Eds: S. Linley, A. Durrant, D. Kirk and A. Taylor), 67:1087-1111, December. Earlier somewhat different version as Report 2008-912-32.
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Neustaedter, C., Brush, A.J. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
'The Calendar is Crucial': Coordination and Awareness through the Family Calendar. ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interactions - ACM TOCHI, 6(1):6:1 - 6:48, April. Earlier version as: Report 2006-839-32, and as MSR-TR-2006-107, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA, July.
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Marquardt, N., Jota, R., Greenberg, S. and Jorge, J. (2009)
The Continuous Interaction Space: Integrating Gestures Above a Surface with Direct Touch. Research report 2009-925-04, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April. Paper and Video Figure, Duration 2:46 (no audio).
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Marquardt, N. and Taylor, A. (2009)
RFID Reader Detector and Tilt-Sensitive RFID Tags. In DIY for CHI: Methods, Communities, and Values of Reuse and Customization. (Workshop held at the ACM CHI 2009 Conference, Boston, Mass.), (Buechley, L., Paulos, E., Rosner, D., Williams, A., Ed.), April 5.
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Marquardt, N., Young, J., Sharlin, E. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
Situated Messages for Asynchronous Human-Robot Interaction. In Adjunt Proc. Human Robot Interaction (Late Breaking Abstracts) - HRI'09. (San Diego, California), 2 pages plus poster, March 11-13. Late-breaking abstract, see full-sized poster.
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Marquardt, N., Nacenta, M., Young, J., Carpendale, S., and Greenberg, S. and Sharlin, E. (2009)
The Haptic Tabletop Puck: The Video. In DVD Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS'09. (Banff, Canada), ACM Press, November 23-25. Duration 3:22. See companion paper.
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Marquardt, N., Nacenta, M., Young, J., Carpendale, S., and Greenberg, S. and Sharlin, E. (2009)
The Haptic Tabletop Puck: Tactile Feedback for Interactive Tabletops. In Proceedings of Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS'09. (Banff, Canada), ACM Press, pages 93-100, November 23-25. Includes Video Figure, also published as a standalone video (below). Earlier version as: Report 2009-936-15 and its video.
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Lapides, P., Sharlin, E. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
HomeWindow: An augmented reality domestic monitor. In Adjunct Proc. Human Robot Interaction (Late Breaking Abstracts) - HRI'09. (San Diego, California), 2 pages plus poster, March 11-13. Late-breaking abstract. Includes poster shown at conference..
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He, H.A. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
Motivating Sustainable Energy Consumption in the Home. In ACM CHI Workshop on Defining the Role of HCI in the Challenges of Sustainability. (Workshop held at the ACM CHI Conference), 5 Pages, April. Also in: ACM CSCW Workshop on Designing for Families (Workshop held at the ACM CSCW Conference), November, 2008. Also as Research Report 2008-914-27, September.
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Greenberg, S. and Nunes, M. (2009)
Sharing Digital Photographs in the Home by Tagging Memorabilia. In Video Showcase, DVD Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM CHI'09. (Boston, USA), ACM Press, page 3533, April 4-9. Best Research Video (Golden Mouse Award). Video and extended abstract, duration 4:20. Earlier longer version as Report 2008-917-30. Also see related .
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Greenberg, S., Neustaedter, C., Elliot, K. (2009)
Awareness in the Home: The Nuances of Relationships, Domestic Coordination and Communication. In Awareness Systems: Advances in Theory, Methodology and Design. (P. Markopoulos and B. de Ruyter and W. Mackay, Ed.), Springer-Verlag, July.
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Greenberg, S., McEwan, G. and Rounding, M. (2009)
Reflecting on Several Metaphors of MUD-based Media Spaces. In Media Space: 20+ Years of Mediated Life. (S. Harrision, Ed.), Springer, pages 425-440. Extends shorter, earlier paper in Proc. CSCW'06 Workshop on Media Space - Reflecting on 20 Years.
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Greenberg, S. (2009)
Embedding A Design Studio Course in A Conventional Computer Science Program. In Creativity and HCI: From Experience to Design in Education. (Kotze, P., Wong, W., Jorge, J., Dix, A. and Alexandra Silva, P., Ed.), Springer, pages 23 - 41. Selected Contributions from HCIEd, March 29-30, 2007, Aveiro, Portugal. Earlier version as Report 2007-870-22.
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Greenberg, S. (2009)
Promoting Creative Design Through Toolkits. In Proceedings of the Latin-American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC'09) CPS, pages 92-93, November 9-11. Invited keynote: extended abstract.
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Greenberg, S., Hudson, S., Hinckley, K., Ringel Morris, M. and Olson, D. (2009)
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2009). Papers and Notes, 2390 pages ACM Press, New York, NY, April 4-9. PDF is to front / back matter.
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Ghanam, Y., Shouman, M., Greenberg, S. and Maurer, F. (2009)
Object-Specific Interfaces in Smart Homes. Research report 2009-937-16, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August.
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Diaz-Marino, R. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
The Proximity Toolkit and ViconFace: The Video. Research report 2009-946-25, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September.
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Boyle, M., Neustaedter, C. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
Privacy Factors in Video-based Media Spaces. In Media Space: 20+ Years of Mediated Life. (S. Harrision, Ed.), Springer, pages 97-122.
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Bertram, D. (2009)
The Social Nature of Issue Tracking in Software Engineering. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, December.
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de Alwis, B., Gutwin, G. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
GT/SD: Performance and Simplicity in a Groupware Toolkit. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems - ACM EICS'09. ACM Press, 10 pages, July 14-17.
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Alexander, J., Cockburn, A., Fitchett, S., Gutwin, C. and Greenberg, S. (2009)
Revisiting Read Wear: Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of a Footprints Scrollbar. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM CHI'09. ACM Press, pages 1665-1674, includes video figure, April 4-9. Earlier version available (same video) as Report TR-COSC-02-08 (2008), Comp. Science, Univ. Canterbury, New Zealand.
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