Chester Fitchett

Greenberg, S. and Fitchett, C. (2001)
Phidgets: Incorporating Physical Devices into the Interface. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Building the Ubiquitous Computing User Experience. (Held at ACM CHI'01, Seattle), (M. Newman, K. Edwards and J. Sedivy, Ed.). Also as Report 2001-681-04, February.
PDF Paper PowerPoint Presentation
Greenberg, S. and Fitchett, C. (2001)
Phidgets: Easy Development of Physical Interfaces through Physical Widgets. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology - ACM UIST'01. (Orlando, Florida), ACM Press, pages 209-218, November 11-14. Best paper award. Earlier version as report 2001-686-09.
PDF Paper Video File
Fitchett, C. and Greenberg, S. (2001)
The Phidget Architecture: Rapid Development of Physical User Interfaces. In UbiTools'01 Workshop on Application Models and Programming Tools for Ubiquitous Computing - Held at UBICOMP'01 Conference.
PDF Paper