Publications of 2008

Voida, S., Mynatt, E. and Edwards, W.K. (2008)
Re-framing the Desktop Interface Around the Activities of Knowledge Work. In Proc. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology - ACM UIST'08. (Monteray, CA), ACM Press, 10 pages, October 19-22.
PDF Paper Video File
Voida, A., Voida, S., Greenberg, S. and He, H.A. (2008)
Asymmetry in Media Spaces. In Proc. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'08. (San Diego, CA), ACM Press, 10 pages, Nov. 8-12. CSCW Honorable Mention (Best Paper Nomineee). Earlier version as Report 2008-895-08.
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Tse, E., Greenberg, S., Shen, C., Forlines, C. and Kodama, R. (2008)
Designers Environment. Research report iLab-2008-1, Grouplab, Dept. Computer Science, University of Calgary. Video report, duration 2:53.
Video File
Tse, E., Greenberg, S., Shen, C., Forlines, C. and Kodama, R. (2008)
Exploring True Multi-User Multimodal Interaction over a Digital Table. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems - ACM DIS'08. (Cape Town, South Africa), ACM Press, pages 109-118, February 25-27. See related video report iLab-2008-01. Earlier version as Report 2007-877-29, August.
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Tee, K., Greenberg, S. and Gutwin, C. (2008)
Artifact Awareness through Screen Sharing for Distributed Groups. Research report 2008-898-11, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June. This paper expands on the similarly titled CSCW paper.
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Tang, A., Lanir, J., Greenberg, S. and Fels, S. (2008)
Uncovering Activity and Patterns in Video using Slit-Tear Visualizations. Research report 2008-08, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 31.
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Tang, A., Greenberg, S. and Fels, S. (2008)
Exploring Video Streams Using Slit-Tear Visualizations. In Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI'08). (Napoli, Italy), pages 191-198, May 28-30. See related video in Report 2008-897-10. Earlier version published as Report 2007-886-38 in a paper and video, December.
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Tang, A., Lanir, J., Greenberg, S. and Fels, S. (2008)
Supporting Transitions in Work: Informing Groupware Design by Understanding Whiteboard Use. Research report TR-2008-04, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC., Canada V6P 1Z4, April.
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Nunes, Michael (2008)
Sharing Digital Photographis in the Home Through Physical Memorabilia. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September.
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Nunes, M., Greenberg, S. and Neustaedter, C. (2008)
Sharing Digital Photographs in the Home through Physical Mementos, Souvenirs, and Keepsakes. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems - ACM DIS'08. (Cape Town, South Africa), ACM Press, pages 250-260, February 25-27. Earlier version as Report 2007-875-27.
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Nunes, M., Greenberg, S. and Neustaedter, C. (2008)
Using Physical Memorabilia as Opportunities to Move into Collocated Digital Photo Sharing. Research report 2008-919-32, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
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Neustaedter, C. (2008)
Reflecting on Domestic Displays for Photo Viewing and Sharing. In Workshop on Collocated Social Practices Surrounding Photos - held at ACM CHI'08. Organized by Sian Lindley, Abigail Durrant, Dave Kirk, and Alex Taylor, April. While written at Kodak, the content reflects joint work done at U. Calgary and MSR.
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Marquardt, Nicolai (2008)
Developer Toolkit and Utilities for Rapidly Prototyping Distributed Physical User Interfaces. Diplom Thesis, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Faculty of Media, Media Systems Science, Germany, March 10. Part of this work was done during a research internship at the University of Calgary.
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Jain, A., Marquardt, N. and Taylor, A. (2008)
Near_Future RFID. In Proceedings of Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference - EPIC. American Anthropology Association, pages 332-333. Artifact submission (similar to Demonstration).
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Gutwin, C., Greenberg, S., Blum, R., Dyck, J., Tee, K. and McEwan, G. (2008)
Supporting Informal Collaboration in Shared-Workspace Groupware. Journal of Universal Computing (JUCS), 14(9):1411-1434, May. Earlier version as Report hci-tr-2005-01, University of Saskatchewan.
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Greenberg, S., Stehr, N. and Tee, K. (2008)
Artifacts as Instant Messenger Buddies. Research report 2008-896-09, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. See different longer version in HICSS 2010 paper.
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Greenberg, S. and Buxton, B. (2008)
Usability Evaluation Considered Harmful (Some of the Time). In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM CHI'08. (Florence, Italy), ACM Press, pages 111-120, April 5-10. Best paper nomination. Earlier version as Report 2007-879-31. See also minute madness video.
PDF Paper PowerPoint Presentation
Greenberg, S. (2008)
Observing Collaboration: Group-Centered Design. In HCI Remixed: Reflections on Works That Have Influenced the HCI Community. (T. Erickson and D. W. McDonald, Ed.). Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press, pages 111-118. See the book cite.
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Goecks, J., Voida, A., Voida, S. and Mynatt, E. (2008)
Charitable Technologies: Opportunities for Collaborative Computing in Nonprofit Fundraising. In Proc. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'08. (San Diego, CA), ACM Press, 10 pages, Nov. 8-12.
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Diaz-Marino, R. (2008)
A Visual Programming Language for Live Video Sonification. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March.
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Clawson, J., Voida, A., Patel, N. and Lyons, K. (2008)
Mobiphos: A collocated-synchronous mobile photo sharing application. In Proc. Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - MobileHCI 2008. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), ACM Press, September 2-5.
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Birnholtz, J.P., Mak, C., Greenberg, S. and Baecker, R. (2008)
Attention By Proxy? Issues in Audience Awareness for Webcasts to Distributed Groups. In Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM CHI'08. (Florence, Italy), ACM Press, pages 103-106, April 5-10. See also minute madness presentation.
PDF Paper PowerPoint Presentation
Au Yeung, T., Carpendale, S. and Greenberg, S. (2008)
Preservation of Art in the Digital Realm. In Proceedings of iPRES2008: The Fifth International Conference on Digital Preservation. (London), British Library, 8 Pages, Sept 29-30.
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