Publications of 2003

Wong, N., Carpendale, S. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
EdgeLens: An Interactive Method for Managing Edge Congestion in Graphs (The Video). In Video Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization - INFOVIS 2003. IEEE Press. Duration 3:36. Also see the identically-named paper published in the proceedings of the same conference.
PDF Paper Video File
Wong, N., Carpendale, S. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
EdgeLens: An Interactive Method for Managing Edge Congestion in Graphs. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (INFOVIS 2003) IEEE Press, pages 51-58. Also see the identically-named video published in the video proceedings of the same conference.
PDF Paper
Venolia, G. and Neustaedter, C. (2003)
Understanding Sequence and Reply Relationships within Email Conversations: A Mixed-Model Visualization. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM CHI'03. ACM Press, April 5-10. Earlier version as Microsoft Research Report MSR-TR-2002-102, September 2002. This research was done at Microsoft Research.
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Simon, H. and Tse, E. (2003)
The Shape of Conversation: An Interactive Installation. Research report iLab-2003-5, Grouplab, Dept. Computer Science, University of Calgary. Video report, duration 2:49.
Video File
Tang, C., McEwan, G. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
VisStreams: Visualizing Temporal Multimedia Conversations. Research report iLab-2003-1, Grouplab, Dept. Computer Science, University of Calgary. Presented publicly in Tang's Graphics Interface presentation.
Video File
Tang, C., McEwan, G. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
A Taxonomy of Tasks and Visualizations for Casual Interaction of Multimedia Histories. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface'03. (Halifax), Distributed by Morgan-Kaufmann, pages 225-236, June 12-13. See also associated video. Earlier version as Report 2002-710-13.
PDF Paper PowerPoint Presentation
Tang, C. (2003)
Capturing and Visualizing Histories of Multimedia-based Casual Interactions. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta Canada, December.
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Tang, A., Kratt, D., Carpendale, S. and Dunning, A. (2003)
Sensing and Visualising Physiological Arousal. Research report iLab-2003-2, Grouplab, Dept. Computer Science, University of Calgary. Video report, duration 1:28.
PDF Paper Video File
Pinelle, D., Gutwin, C. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
Task Analysis for Groupware Usability Evaluation: Modeling Shared-Workspace Tasks with the Mechanics of Collaboration. ACM Transactions on Human Computer Interaction - ACM TOCHI, 10(4):281-311, Special issue on multiple and collaborative tasks,, December. Earlier version as Report HCI-TR-2002-04, University of Saskatchewan.
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Neustaedter, C. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
The Design of a Context-Aware Home Media Space: The Video. In Video Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing - UBICOMP'03. Video plus two page paper. See related full paper in the same conference..
PDF Paper Video File
Neustaedter, C. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
The Design of a Context-Aware Home Media Space. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing - UBICOMP 2003, LNCS Vol 2864. Springer-Verlag, pages 297-314. ISBN: 3-540-20301-X. See related published video in the same conference. Earlier version as Report 2003-722-25.
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Neustaedter, C. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
Balancing Privacy and Awareness in Home Media Spaces. In Workshop on Ubicomp Communities: Privacy as Boundary Negotiation. Held as part of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing - UBICOMP'2003. (Seattle),, October 12.
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Neustaedter, C (2003)
Balancing Privacy and Awareness in a Home Media Space. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta Canada, May.
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McEwan, G. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
SideNC. Research report iLab-2003-4, Grouplab, Dept. Computer Science, University of Calgary. Video report, duration 0:41.
Video File
Kruger, R., Carpendale, S., Scott, S. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
How People Use Orientation on Tables: Comprehension, Coordination and Communication. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work - ACM GROUP'03. ACM Press, pages 369-378, November 9-12.
PDF Paper DOI Link
Greenberg S. and Roseman, M. (2003)
Using a Room Metaphor to Ease Transitions in Groupware. In Sharing Expertise: Beyond Knowledge Management. (M. Ackerman, V. Pipek, V. Wulf, Ed.). Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, pages 203-256, January. Earlier version as Report 1998-611-02, January, 1998.
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Greenberg, S. (2003)
Enhancing Creativity with Groupware Toolkits. In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Groupware - CRIWG'03, pages 1-9. Springer-Verlag, Autrans, France, September 28 - October 2. Invited keynote talk.
PDF Paper PowerPoint Presentation
Greenberg, S. and Carpendale, S. (2003)
Multiple Lenses in Single Display Groupware. Research report iLab-2003-6, Grouplab, Dept. Computer Science, University of Calgary, May. Video report, duration 0:48.
Video File
Diaz-Marino, R.A., Tse, E. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
Programming for Multiple Touches and Multiple Users: A Toolkit for the DiamondTouch Hardware. In Companion Proceedings of ACM Conference on User Interface Software and Technology - ACM UIST'03. 2-page paper plus poster.
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Cockburn, A., Greenberg, S., Jones, S., McKenzie, B. and Moyle, M. (2003)
Improving WEB Page Revisitation: Analysis, Design and Evaluation. IT&Society, 3(1):159-183, B. Shneiderman, J. Lazar, M. Ivory (Eds): Special Issue on Web Navigation Skills, SIQSS, Stanford, Winter. Earlier version as Report 1998-611-02, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 1998.
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Boyle, M. and Greenberg, S. (2003)
Grouplab Collabrary Toolkit: Rapid Prototyping Toolkit for Multimedia Groupware. Research report iLab-2003-3, Grouplab, Dept. Computer Science, University of Calgary. Video report, duration 1:18.
Video File
Boyle, M. (2003)
A Shared Vocabulary for Privacy. In Workshop on Ubicomp Communities: Privacy as Boundary Negotiation. Held as part of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, UBICOMP'03. (Seattle),, October 12.
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Boyle, M. (2003)
Collabrary Shared Dictionary v1.0.17: Programming Paradigm and Wire Protocol. Research report 2003-731-34, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, January.
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