A.J. Brush
Neustaedter, C., Brush, A.J. and Greenberg, S. (2009) 'The Calendar is Crucial': Coordination and Awareness through the Family Calendar. ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interactions - ACM TOCHI, 6(1):6:1 - 6:48, April. Earlier version as: Report 2006-839-32, and as MSR-TR-2006-107, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA, July. | ||
Greenberg, S., Brush, A.J., Carpendale, S., Diaz-Marino, R., Elliot, K., Gutwin, C., McEwan, G., Neustaedter, C., Nunes, M., Smale,S. and Tee, K. (2007) Collected Posters from the Nectar Annual General Meeting. Research report 2007-887-39, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, December. | ||
Neustaedter, C., Brush, A.J. and Greenberg, S. (2007) A Digital Family Calendar in the Home: Lessons from Field Trials of LINC. In Proc. Graphics Interface, pages 199-206, May 28-30. Received the Michael A.J. Sweeney Award for Best Student Paper (included). Earlier version as LINC in the Home: Field Trials of digital calendar, MSR-TR-2006-66, Microsoft Research, May 2006. | ||
Neustaedter, C. and Brush, A.J. (2006) "LINC-ing" the Family: The Participatory Design of an Inkable Family Calendar. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction - ACM CHI'06. (Montreal, Quebec), ACM Press, pages 141-150, April 24-27. This work was done while Neustaedter was an MSR intern. | ||
Neustaedter, C., Brush, A.J. and Greenberg, S. (2006) LINC, An Inkable Digital Family Calendar. In Video Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work - ACM CSCW'06. ACM Press, November. Video and two page paper, duration 3:34. | ||
Neustaedter, C., Brush, A.J. and Greenberg, S. (2006) A Demo of Family Calendaring using LINC. In Demonstration and short paper, Adjunct Proceedings ACM CSCW 2006. |