Linda Tauscher

Tauscher, L. and Greenberg, S. (1997)
Revisitation Patterns in World Wide Web Navigation. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - ACM CHI'97. (Atlanta, Georgia), ACM Press, pages 399-406, March 22-27. Earlier version as Report 96-587-07.
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Tauscher, L. and Greenberg, S. (1997)
How People Revisit Web Pages: Empirical Findings and Implications for the Design of History Systems. International Journal of Human Computer Studies - IJHCS, 47(1):97-138. Academic Press. Special Issue on World Wide Web Usability.
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Tauscher, L. and Greenberg, S. (1996)
Design Guidelines for Effective WWW History Mechanisms. In Microsoft Workshop, Designing for the Web: Empirical Studies. Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, October 30. See also presentation.
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Tauscher, L. (1996)
Supporting World Wide Web Navigation Through History Mechanisms. In CHI 96 Workshop: HCI and the Web, Vancouver, BC, April.
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Tauscher, L. (1996)
Evaluating History Mechanisms: An Empirical Study of Reuse Patterns in WWW Navigation. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June.
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