David Ledo

Ledo, David (2020)
Designing Interactive Behaviours for Smart Objects. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September. Co-supervisors: Lora Oehlberg and Saul Greenberg.
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Ledo, D., Vermeulen, J., Carpendale, S., Greenberg, S. and Oehlbeg, L. an Boring, S. (2019)
Astral: Prototyping Mobile and Smart Object Interactive Behaviours Using Familiar Applications. In ACM Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems - DIS-2019. (Held at San Diago, CA, USA), pages 711-724, June 23-28.
PDF Paper PowerPoint Presentation
Ledo, D., Houben, S., Vermeulen, J., Marquardt, N., Oehlberg, L. and Greenberg, S. (2018)
Evaluation Strategies for HCI Toolkit Research. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI'17). (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), 17 pages, Paper #36, April 21-26. See video of CHI presentation. Earlier version as Report2017-1096-03.
Hyperlink PDF Paper Video File
Grossman, T., Anderson, F., Schmidt, R., Greenberg, S. and Ledo, D. (2018)
Techniques for Designing Interactive Objects with Integrated Smart Devices. Research report US 2018/0196889 A1, United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), July 12. United States Patent Application Publication.
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Ledo, D., Oehlberg, L. and Greenberg, S. (2017)
The Toolkit / Audience Challenge. In Proceedings of HCI.Tools, a workshop held at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI'17). (Denver, Colorado), 4 pages, May 7. The URL points to the workshop proceedings: its program page contains the papers.
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Ledo, D., Anderson, F., Schmidt, R., Oehlberg, L., Greenberg, S. and Grossman, T. (2017)
Pineal: Bringing Passive Objects to Life with Embedded Mobile Devices. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI'17). (Denver, Colorado), pages 2583-2593, May 6-11, 2017. URL is to the recorded presentation at the conference.
Hyperlink PDF Paper Video File
Ledo, D., Houben, S., Vermeulen, J., Marquardt, N., Oehlberg, L. and Greenberg, S. (2017)
Evaluation Strategies for HCI Toolkit Research. Research report 2017-1096-03, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September.
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Ledo, D., Greenberg, S., Marquardt, N. and Boring, S. (2015)
Proxemic-Aware Controls: Designing Remote Controls for Ubiquitous Computing Ecologies. Research report 2015-1069-02, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, February. Paper plus video, video duration 4:56.
PDF Paper Video File
Ledo, D., Greenberg, S., Marquardt, N. and Boring, S. (2015)
Proxemic-Aware Controls: Designing Remote Controls for Ubiquitous Computing Ecologies. In Proceedings of the ACM 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices - ACM MobileHCI'15. (Held at Copenhagen, Denmark), 11 pages plus video figure, August 25-28. Paper plus video figure (duration 4:08). Earlier different version as Report 2015-1069-02 (paper + video), February, 2015.
PDF Paper Video File DOI Link
Ledo, D. (2014)
Remote Control Design for a Ubiquitous Computing Ecology. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, November. see ACM SIGCHI Video Showcase for a video partially illustrating this work.
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Brudy, F., Ledo, D. and Greenberg, S. (2014)
Is Anyone Looking? Mediating Shoulder Surfing on Public Displays (The Video). In ACM SIGCHI 2014 Video Showcase (Juried), Proc. Extended Abstracts CHI'14. (Toronto, Canada), Video and abstract, page 159, April 26 - May 1. Video (duration 3:28) plus abstract. Earlier slightly different version as Report 2014-1051-01 (abstract + video. Also on youtube).
PDF Paper Video File DOI Link
Brudy, F., Ledo, D., Greenberg, S. and Butz, A. (2014)
Is Anyone Looking? Mitigating Shoulder Surfing on Public Displays through Awareness and Protection. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays - PerDisp'2014. (Copenhagen, Denmark), ACM Press, pages 1-6, June 3 - 4. Earlier paper version as Report 2014-1056-07, with simialar video as ACM SIGCHI Video Showcase.
PDF Paper Video File PowerPoint Presentation DOI Link
Ledo, D., Aseniero, B.A., Greenberg, S., Boring, S. and Tang, A. (2013)
OneSpace: Shared Depth-Corrected Video Interaction. In Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI Workshop on The Future of Personal Video Communication: Moving Beyond Talking Heads to Shared Experiences. (Paris, France), 4 pages, April 27. Workshop held at the ACM CHI Conference, and organized by E. Oduor, C. Neustaeder, G. Venolia and T. Judge.
Hyperlink PDF Paper Video File PowerPoint Presentation
Ledo, D., Aseniero, B.A., Greenberg, S., Boring, S. and Tang, A. (2013)
OneSpace: Shared Depth-Corrected Video Interaction. In Proc. ACM CHI 2013 Extended Abstracts - CHI'13. (Paris, France), 6 pages, April 27 - May 3. A CHI Work in Progress. See also the earlier related Report 2012-1033-16.pdf.
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Ledo, D. and Greenberg, S (2013)
Mobile Proxemic Awareness and Control: Exploring the Design Space for Interaction with a Single Appliance. In Proc. ACM CHI 2013 Video Program (Juried) - CHI'13. (Paris, France), 1 page abstract plus video, April 27 - May 3. Video duration 1:53. Earlier version as Report 2013-1035-02 (abstract + video),.
PDF Paper Video File
Ledo, D., Nacenta, M. , Marquardt, N., Boring, S. and Greenberg, S. (2012)
The HapticTouch Toolkit: Enabling Exploration of Haptic Interactions. In Proceedings of the ACM 6th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction - TEI'2012. (Kingston, Ontario, Canada), ACM Press, 8 pages, February 19-22. Includes Video Figure, Duration: 4:01. Earlier version as Report 2011-1012-24 (pdf) and (video).
PDF Paper Video File PowerPoint Presentation
Boring, S., Ledo, D., Chen, X., Marquardt, N., Tang, A. and Greenberg, S. (2012)
The Fat Thumb: Using the Thumb's Contact Size for Single-Handed Mobile Interaction. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Mobile HCI - MobileHCI'12. ACM Press, pages 39-48, September 21-24, 2012. Includes video figure, duration 2:35. Earlier slightly different version as Report 2011-1015-27 (pdf) and (video).
Hyperlink PDF Paper Video File PowerPoint Presentation
Marquardt, N., Kiemer, J., Ledo, D., Boring, S. and Greenberg, S. (2011)
Designing User-, Hand-, and Handpart-Aware Tabletop Interactions with the TOUCHID Toolkit. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces-ITS'2011. (Kobe, Japan), ACM Press, 10 pages, November 13-16. Include video figure, duration 3:42 minutes. Earlier version as: Report 2011-1004-163 + video (July, 2011).
PDF Paper Video File
Ledo, D., Nacenta, M., Marquardt, N., Boring, S. and Greenberg, S. (2011)
The HapticTouch Toolkit: Enabling Exploration of Haptic In-teractions. Research report 2011-1012-24, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, September. Includes video figure, duration ~4:00.
PDF Paper Video File
Ledo, D., Marquardt, N., Nacenta, M. and Greenberg, S. (2010)
Application Programming Interface (API) for the Haptic Tabletop Puck. In 5th Annual Students' Union Undergraduate Research Symposium. (Calgary, AB, Canada), 1 page poster, November 24. Special mention: one of only three posters invited for oral presentation to audience.
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