Theresa Godin

Greenberg, S., Godin, T. and Whittington, J. (2020)
User Interface Design Patterns for Wildlife-Related Camera Trap Image Analysis. Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 9 Issue 24:13706-13730. Wiley, January 10. An open access article. Version of record online as of December 2, 2019. Earlier slightly different version available as Report 2019-114-06.
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Laradji, I., Schmidt, M., vanPoorten, B., Godin, T. and Greenberg, S. (2017)
Using Deep Learning to Automate Boat Detection for Fishing Effort Estimates. In Proc. 8th World Recreational Fishing Conference -WRFC8. (Victoria, Canada), Abstract plus Poster, July 16-20. see Poster presented at the conference.
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Greenberg, S. and Godin, T. (2015)
A Tool Supporting the Extraction of Angling Effort Data from Remote Camera Image (Feature Article). Fisheries Magazine, 40(6):276-287. American Fisheries Society, June. I am allowed to distribute a limited number of copies to readers for free. If interested, email Earlier version as Report 2013-1050-17.
Newton, E.R., van Poorten, B., Godin, T., Clarke, A., Greenberg, S. and Post, J.R. (2013)
Using Cameras to Remotely Measure Angling Effort on Small Lakes. In 66th Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research - CCFFR'13. (Windsor, Ontario),, January 3-5. Poster presentation.
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Greenberg, S. and Godin, T. (2013)
A Tool Supporting the Extraction of Angling Effort Data from Remote Camera Image. Research report 2013-1050-17, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, December. In submission. This report is to time-stamp the article.
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Greenberg, S. and Godin, T. (2012)
Timelapse Image Analysis Manual. Research report 2012-1028-11, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, March 19.
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