A Working Example of the Cognitive Walkthrough
Taken and modified from Polson et al. (1992)

Walking through "forward your calls"
In this section, a simplified and modified example is taken from the literature to illustrate how a CW is performed.  This example focuses on evaluating a phone system from the perspective of a walk up and use interface.

4.1 Activities before the walkthrough
This step begins by selecting a task from the detailed task list and determining the correct action sequence.  The task is described as:

    Forward all calls to 492-1234

The correct action sequence is described as:

    1.    Pick up the handset
    2.    Press ##7 (clear call forwarding)
    3.    Hang up the handset
    4.    Pick up the handset
    5.    Press **7 (specify call forward)
    6.    Press 1234
    7.    Hang up the handset

The target user group has no knowledge of the system and this is noted on the user profile form.  The group must now determine what the user's initial goal structure will look like.   They feel that all users will have the goal included in the task description (forward all calls to 492-1234), and that nearly all will form the "and then" subgoals of "pick up handset" and "specify call forwarding".  They indicate that a portion of the users will have trouble realizing that they must clear call forwarding first.  The groups conclusions regarding the user's initial goal structure are as follows:

    75% of users will have         FORWARD ALL CALLS TO 492 1234
                                                                            PICK UP HANDSET
                                                      and then SPECIFY FORWARDING

    25% of users will have        FORWARD ALL CALLS TO 492 1234
                                                                            PICK UP HANDSET
                                                        and then CLEAR FORWARDING
                                                       and then SPECIFY FORWARDING

Please note:  Indenting is used to indicate when goals are subgoals of the goals above them while underlying indicates a currently active goal.

The analyses of each action can be obtained by selecting the appropriate action below:

    1.    Pick up the handset
    2.    Press ##7 (clear call forwarding)
    3.    Hang up the handset
    4.    Pick up the handset
    5.    Press **7 (specify call forward)
    6.    Press 1234
    7.    Hang up the handset

Integration and discussion

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