Analysis of Action 2:  Press ##7

The analysts begin new copies of forms 2,3 and 4 for this next action.
Using Form 2, the analysis looks like;

2.1    They indicate the correct goals as follows:
         FORWARD ALL CALLS TO 492 1234
                              PICK UP THE HANDSET
                    and then CLEAR FORWARDING  this next subgoal is activated because the previous goal
                                                                            has been completed
                 and then SPECIFY FORWARDING

2.2    Based on the initial goal structure indicated above, they indicate the following;

    Failure to add goals.    75%
    Failure to drop goals.    0%
    Addition of spurious goals.    0%
    Failure to check progress.    0%
    Premature loss of goals.    0%
    Super-goal kill off.    0%

The above suggests that 75% of the users will have problems developing the CLEAR FORWARDING subgoal (based on initial goal structure).

Based on the results of 2.2 above they indicate the following;

3.1    What percentage will fail to choose the correct available action.    0%
3.2    There is a label associated with PRESS ##7 on the template.  It indicates;

            CALL FORWARD ALL
            START **7
            CLEAR ##7

3.3    What percentage will fail to develop correct action given a lack of an appropriate label.   25%

           The analysts discuss and decide that 25% of the users may fail to notice the label given the amount of information on the template.

3.4    What percentage will choose the wrong action to achieve the desired goal.   25%

            The analysts note that the template also contains a label indicating;

            START **3
            CLEAR ##3

            They feel that CLEAR TRANSFER ALL CALLS is as good a match to CLEAR FORWARDING as CLEAR CALL FORWARD ALL is (see above).   They indicate that 25% of users may might choose action PRESS##3 at this step.

3.5    What percentage will have trouble selecting the appropriate action during a system time out. 0%

3.6    What percentage will find it physically difficult to perform the correct action.  0%
Based on the results of 3.1-3.6 above they indicate the following;

4.    The system response for the action PRESS##7 is a series of bip, bip, bip

4.1    What percentage of users will not see progress and try to quit or backup.    0%

           Although the system response is not very informative, the analysts feel that none of the users will quit.

4.2    List all the current goals that have been accomplished.

            CLEAR CALL FORWARDING   50%

            The analysts feel that 50% of the users will not realize that the CLEAR CALL FORWARD goal has been completed based on the system feedback.

4.3    No incomplete goals exist.

4.4    What percentage of users might prematurely terminate their "and-then" structure due to the similarity between the subgoal and the supergoal.    0%

4.5    No new goals

4.6    No other new goals.

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