CPSC 581/599.81
Interaction Design

Saul Greenberg (instructor)

CPSC 581 / 599.81
Human Computer Interaction II: Interaction Design

These pages will eventually provide a detailed description of this new undergraduate course in Computer Science. This course is the second undergraduate course in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Calgary.
Advanced topics and applications in human computer interaction, with emphasis on developing skills for designing highly interactive human-computer interfaces. 
Prerequisites Computer Science 481 and Permission of the instructor
Schedule of events This will be determined as the term proceeds. Main events will be recorded on the Schedule.
Class Time Monday and Wednesday:
11:00 - 12:15 (class)
12:15 -   1:15 (lab) 

Classes and labs are contiguous: you are expected to go to both. Because of room and course conflicts, labs will usually finish just before 1pm. 

What you have to buy
  1. Lecture notes and course readings (sold at near-cost prices)
  2. Sketchbook (I will recommend one to you in class)
  3. Portfolio materials
  4. Prototyping supplies
Topics I am still finalizing the topic selection, but I will include some of the modules listed below.
  • Metaphors
  • Information Visualization
  • Groupware
  • Ubiquitous Computing and Physical Devices
  • Wall-sized touch-sensitive displays
  • Art and Interactive Installations
  • Multimedia
  • Critical analysis of interface designs
  • Interface evaluation techniques
  • Designing for the Web
Grading Your Sketchbook -- 10%
Your Portfolio -- 5%
Class Participation -- 5%
Exercises and Assignments: 80%
Student resources
Exercises and assignments
For credit No credit
  1. Design a Button that Reflects your Personality
  1. Linking Public Spaces