Tentative Reading List
This list will change! All references are required reading except those marked with a *.
Visual Basic
There are many many books on Visual Basic. Feel free to buy/borrow whatever
of these seem suitable.
- Chapter 1: Visual Basics. Excerpt from Visual Basic Graphics
Programming, 2nd Edition. Rod Stephens. 3-54.
- Chapter 2: Using the API. Excerpt from Visual Basic Graphics
Programming, 2nd Edition. Rod Stephens. 55-80.
- Chapter 4: Control Creation Fundamentals. Excerpt from Custom Control Library. Rod
Stephens, Wiley. 119-177.
I have several handy VB books that you can borrow from me for a limited time.
- Visual Basic Graphics Programming, 2nd Edition. Rod Stephens,
Lots of example programs for how to do non-interactive image and graphics
processing in VB.
- Ready-to-Run Visual Basic Code Library. Rod Stephens, Wiley.
Tips, tricks and workarounds for the VB language and its controls. Very
- Custom Control Library. Rod Stephens, Wiley.
Contains a good introduction on how ActiveX controls work as well as many
sample controls.
- VB Com. Thomas Lewis, Wrox.
An in-depth look at VB Com that details how COM really works. If you are
serious about VB Com programming, this is the book for you. Contains more
detail than the Custom Control Library book above, but is best read after
that one.