CPSC 581/599.81
Interaction Design

Saul Greenberg (instructor)


Hint. Keep a printout of this page with your prototyping supplies and refer to it periodically!

Why protoype?

Are you are a true genius, remarkably talented, highly artistic, creative and incredibly insightful? Can you withstand many failures to the occasional success?  If so, you may (every now and then) have a design vision that you can immediately implement into an effective and appealing system. 

However, if you are like the rest of us you will discover that good design is hard work: full of wrong directions, misconceptions, and pitfalls. Good designs rarely appear immediately, but evolve from careful understanding of what customers really need, from brainstorming many possibilities, from evaluating these possibilities, and from progressively refining them.

You create design possibilities as prototypes. Prototypes include those quick ideas in your sketchbook, crude screen drawings and Pictive displays, on-line system mock-ups, and even partial system implementations. Early prototypes help you brainstorm ideas and get customer reaction. Later prototypes help you refine your design ideas, explore them in detail with customers, consider their aesthetics, fine tune interaction details, test them with actual people, and so on.

Prototypes are one of the cornerstones of interaction design. If you don't prototype, you are an interface hack, not a designer.

Why a prototyping kit? A prototyping kit is a set of supplies that will help you rapidly work on your ideas. While the simplest kit contains just paper and pencil to capture design ideas (e.g., your sketchbook), you will need your own specialized tools to help you refine these ideas. Having these tools ready-to-hand means that you can work on your ideas, rather than spend your time finding a piece of paper and other supplies. Just as a carpenter keeps their toolbox of tools readily available so he/she can get on with the job, so should you.
Contents of a paper prototyping kit Prototyping kits come in many shapes and forms. I keep the following supplies in my kit. All supplies are held in an artist's portfolio case, so I can store my prototypes safely afterwards. Most supplies are available at the bookstore or a stationary store (e.g., Staples). Wander down the art supply section of the bookstore for other prototyping supply ideas.
  • a case to hold supplies (and prototypes as well)
  • white paper
  • colored art paper
  • large poster-board for assembling prototypes
  • postit notes of various sizes
  • transparencies
  • water-soluble pens
  • some pre-formed paper 'widgets' (but don't go overboard)
  • normal glue stick
  • postit-note glue stick
  • scissors
  • normal pencils
  • colored pencils a
  • sharpener
  • good quality eraser
  • stapler
Electronic prototypes At some point, you will want to prototype electronically. There are many good (and sophisticated) tools to let you do this. Powerpoint, a slide show presentation tool, lets you simulate a scripted on-line visual storyboard. It has reasonable drawing tools that will let you create static images, and you can have branches in your script. Some limited animation is available. Visual Basic is excellent at prototyping standard GUI systems. Because it is a real programming language, you can also fake (or implement) functionality. However, doing unconventional things is hard. Macromedia Flash and Director are two excellent prototyping systems (they include a powerful scripting language), and can be used to create quite unconventional systems. Flash and Director's  sophistication comes at a price: they take a while to master. They are also not yet available on our computers.
Articles describing prototyping methods and issues
  • Nielsen, J. (1993) Chapter 4.8: Prototyping. Usability Engineering, p93-101, Academic Press.
  • Rettig, M. (1994) Prototyping for tiny fingers. Communications of the ACM, 37(4), ACM Press.
  • Muller, M.J. (1991) Pictive: An exploration in participatory design. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p225-231, ACM Press.
  • Rudd, J., Stern, K. and Isensee, S. (1996) Low vs. high fidelity prototyping debate. Interactions 3(1), p76-85, ACM Press.