Quantitative and Qualitative Information from the Cognitive Walkthrough
    The extent of quantitative information provided by the cognitive walkthrough (CW) is the percentage of users that are predicted to have problems in several key areas.  These percentages are still interpreted by the analysts and their relative contribution to the process is determined by the inspection team.  Refer to form 2, form 3, and form 4 for an idea of how these percentages are derived.

    In contrast, the extent of qualitative information provided is rich and detailed.  By analyzing the interface from the users perspective and using their problem solving model embedded within their background knowledge provides for different information regarding the interface.  Specific information provided by the CW includes:
#1    user profiles
#2    detailed task descriptions
#3    task sequences
#4    correct goals
#5    incorrect goals
#6    action-goal mismatches
#7    accomplished goals
#8    the presence of labels
#9    influence of prompts
#10  system feedback effects

    The extent to which this information is beneficial and interpreted is going to vary depending on what the evaluators are looking for and the current system state.  More information is provided by Wharton, Rieman, Lewis, and Polson (1994).

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