This form examines how goal modifications are triggered by the system's response to the previously executed action. This is accomplished by examining the system feedback in regards to quitting goals, accomplishing goals, the development of new goals, the misinterpretation of system feedback, and the development of other goals.
Modified from Polson et al. (1992).
4. Modification of the goal structure. Assuming the correct action has been taken, what is the system's response? Please describe this in detail.
4.1 Quit or Backup. Will users see that they have made progress to some goal and what will indicate this to them?
4.2 Accomplished goals. List all the goals that have been accomplished, is it obvious from the system's response that these goals have been accomplished? If not, indicate for each goal why users may have problems recognizing that goals have been accomplished.
4.3 Incomplete goals. List all the goals that have not been completed but that might appear to have been based on the system's response. Is it obvious which goals have been completed and which have not? How is this indicated by the system for each of the goals listed?
4.4 "And-then" structures. Is there an "and-then" structure? Does one of its subgoals appear to be complete based on the system's response? If this subgoal is similar to the supergoal, how might this confuse the user? This presumably would lead to a premature termination of the execution of the supergoal (I.E. supergoal kill off).
4.5 New goals in response to prompts. Does the system response contain prompts or cues that may indicate that a new goal should be created? If so, describe this prompt and the goal created. If the prompt is unclear, indicate why.
4.6 Other new goals. Are there any other
goals that users will form given their current goals, the perceived state
of the interface, and their background knowledge? Describe them in
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