Laboratory for HCI, CSCW and UbiComp
GroupLab, led by Dr. Saul Greenberg, comprises faculty, students and visiting researchers with interests in Human Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous Computing, and Computer Supported Cooperative Work.
Within Human Computer Interaction (HCI), we investigate a broad range of activities. These include developing various toolkits affording new ways of interacting with computers, the design and evaluation of various interaction techniques, and nuances of evaluation methodologies.
Within Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), we concentrate on embodied interaction, i.e., how computer technology blends naturally within the fabric of people’s day to day activities as they move about their everyday environment. We focus on proxemic interaction, where design is driven by the distance, orientation, identity relationships between people moving within an ecology of devices (from large touch-sensitive surfaces down to mobile phones).
Within Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), we are particularly interested in supporting co-located and geographically distributed small teams. We concentrate on the design and evaluation of technology to support people's effortless movement across their many styles of collaboration: across time; across place; between casual and formal interactions; and between individual and group work.

Nigel Pass in the nearby Rocky Mountains. Photo by Saul Greenberg