GroupLab, Department of Computer Science Saul Greenberg GroupLab  Dept Computer Science University of Calgary

Books in my Personal Library

Text and Reference books on Human Computer Interaction

Baecker, R., Grudin, J., Buxton, W., and Greenberg, S., eds (1995). Readings in Human Computer Interaction: Towards the Year 2000. 950 pages, Morgan-Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA. ISBN 1-55860-246-1.
An extensive collection of readings on human computer interaction, with comprehensive reviews of major themes in HCI.
Baecker, R. M. and Buxton, W. A. S. (1987) Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach. 738 pages, Los Altos, CA, Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers.
This book is the "first edition" of the above text, although its contents are almost entirely different. Good for finding historical and seminal articles in HCI.
Barfield, L. (1993) The user interface: Concepts and design. 353 pages. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-54441-5.
Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, G., Beale, R. (1997) Human-Computer Interaction. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-239864-8.
A solid HCI textbook. Has better detail but less coverage than the Preece book. I also have the 1st edition.
Eberts, R.E. (1994) User interface design, Prentice Hall. 649 pages, ISBN 0-13-140328-1.
A reasonable text for HCI. I use several chapters from it to help introduce experimental design
Helander, M. (ed.) (1988) Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction. p1167, Amsterdam, North-Holland.
This book is the closest there is to a reference manual on interaction. Slightly dated now, but still excellent.
Hix, D. and Hartson, H.R. (1993) Developing User Interfaces: Ensuring Usability Through Product and Process. 381 pages. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-471-57813-4.
A good text. Describes the UAN notatatin in detail.
Newman, W., Lamming, M. (1995) Interactive system design. Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley. 468 pages. ISBN 0-201-63162-8.
The book develops a framework for developing interactive systems
Preece, J. (1994) Human-Computer Interaction. 773 pages, Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-62769-8.
A comprehensive HCI textbook, although light on details in a few areas
Preece, J. (1993) A Guide to Usability: Human Factors in Computing. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-62768-X.
A short overview HCI book based on a course.
Shneiderman, B. (1997) Designing the User Interface (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-69497-2
A good introductory book to human-computer interaction, particularly in its description of the different approaches to HCI dialogues.  I also have the 1st and 2nd editions.
Thimbleby, H. (1990) User interface design. New York: ACM Press. 470 pages. ISBN 0-201-41618-2
This text is refreshing as it covers many HCI aspects not found in other texts. While the other texts may provide practical insites, this book will get you thinking!

Human Computer Interaction, Human Factors and Cognition


Baber, C. (1997) Beyond the Desktop: Designing and Using Interaction Devices. 308 pages. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-069550-2
Still to read...
Bass, L. and Coutaz, J. (1991) Developing Software for the User Interface. Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-51046-4.
A software-engineering/UIST approach to interface development.
C. Forsythe, E. Grose and J. Ratner (editors), Human Factors and Web Development. LEA Press, ISBN 0-8058-2823-0.
A collection of readings that relate human factors to web development.

Hodges, M. and Sasnett, R. (1992) Multimedia computing: Case studies from MIT Project Athena. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-52029-X.

Luff, P., Gilbert, N. and Frohlich, D. (eds.) (1990) Computers and Conversation. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-459560-X.
Papers on Conversational Analysis.
Nardi, B. (ed.) (1997). Context and Conciousness: Activity theory and human-computer interaction. 400 pages, MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-14058-6.
Still to read...
Nielsen, J. (1995) Multimedia and Hypertext: The Internet and Beyond. 480pages, Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-518408-5.
An introduction to multimedia and hypertext.
Nielsen, J. (1990) HyperText and HyperMedia. Academic Press. ISNB 0-12-518410-7.
The book covers a broad range of hypertext and hypermedia systems and features. However, it  predates the Web.
Olsen Jr, Dan (1998) Developing user interfaces. Morgan-Kaufmann Press. ISNB 1-55860-418-9
One of the very few books that actually looks at the technical side of developing user interfaces.
Olsen Jr, Dan (1992) User interface management systems: Models and algorithms. Morgan-Kaufmann Press. ISNB 1-55860-220-8.
Shneiderman, B. and Kearsley, G. (1989) Hypertext Hands-On! Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-15171-5.
An introduction to hypertext. Somewhat dated, as it does not have the world wide web.
Smith, H.T. and Green, T.R.G. (Eds) (1980) Human Interaction with Computers. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-652852-7.
An early edited collection on HCI.
Solso, R.. (1994) Cognition and the Visual Arts. 294 pages, MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-19346-9
Still to read...
Turkle, S. (1995) Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. 347pages, Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0-684-80353-4.
Still to read...
Wiener, N.. (1950) The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society. 199 pages, Da Capo Press. ISBN 0-306-80320-8.
Still to read...


Alexander, C. (1979) The timeless way of building. 552 pages, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-502402-8.
This book describes the philosophy behind the pattern language approach to architecture.
Carroll, J.  (1997) Scenario-based design. 408 pages, Wiley Press. ISBN 0-471-07659-7.

Carroll, J. (1991) Designing interaction. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-40056-2.

Cross, N., Christiaans, H., and Dorst, K. (eds) (1996) Analysing design activity. Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-471-96060-8
Still to read...
Kyng, M. and Mathiassen, L. (1997) Computes and Design in Context. MIT Press. 0-262-11223-X
Still to read...
Laurel, B. (ed.) (1990) The art of human computer interface design. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-51797-3
A great collection of quite varied readings on HCI.
Norman, D. and Draper, S. (1986) User Centered System Design. LEA Press. ISBN 0-89859-872-9.
A good collection that formally introduces the notion of user centered system design.Readings give many different views on design.
Norman, D. (1988) The Design of Everyday Things. 257 pages, Basic Books. ISBN 0-385-26774-6.
A delightful 'must read' book that describes fundamentals of design in a very easy to understand way.
Norman, D. (1992) Turn Signals are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles. 205 pages. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-58124-8.
A collection of essays. While enjoyable to read, I found his other two books better.
Norman, D. (1993) Things that Make Us Smart. Addison Wesley.
Another great book by Norman that takes a serious look at what computer characteristics / designs actually help people.
Norman, D. (1998) The Invisible Computer. MIT Press. ISBN 9 780262 140652
This book continues Norman's ideas by looking at how techonology industries should change their business models.
Petroski, H. (1992) To engineer is human: The role of failure in successful design. 251 pages. ISBN 0-679-73416-3.
Discusses how knowledge in engineering is often built upon engineering failurs. A good read.
Rudisill, M., Lewis, C., Polson, P. and McKay, T. (Eds) (1995) Human computer interface design: Success stories, emerging methods, real-world context. Morgan-Kaufmann. ISBN 1-55860-310-7.
This good set of papers collects success stories (plus and excellent history of predecessors to modern HCI systems), new methods for design, and how design accomodates real world contexts.
Shneiderman, B. (ed) (1993). Sparks of innovation in human computer interaction. Ablex. ISBN 1-56750-078-1.
This book collects key publications from Shneiderman's Human Computer Interaction Laboratory.
Tognazzini, B. (1992) Tog on interface. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.
A collection of inspiring columns by the user interface "evangelist" of the Apple Macintosh. Fun to read.
Tognazzini, B. (1996) Tog on software design. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.
A book that describes various visions of future computing. A nice complement to Tog's previous book. It also details the Sun Starfire project, an envisionment of computer use in the year 2004.
Winograd, T., Bennett, J., De Young, L., and Hartfield B.(eds.) (1996) Bringing Design to Software, Addison-Wesley. 321 pages. ISBN 0-201-85491-0
This book contains contributions from several pioneers within the design professions, such as graphic and media design as well as usability-oriented systems developmers. It outlines a new discipline of HCI.


Carroll, J. (1990) The Nurnberg Funnel: Designing Minimalist Instruction for Practical Computer Skill. 340 pages. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-03163-9.
Describes the rational behind the minimalist approach to instruction and help systems.
Darragh, J. and Witten, I. (1992). The Reactive Keyboard. 186 pages, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-40375-8.
Describes the development of an interface that minimizes keystrokes by predicting them.
Greenberg, S. (1993). The computer user as toolsmith: The use, reuse, and organization of computer-based tools. 187 pages, Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-40430-4.
Describes empirical studies of reuse in Unix from which the author has developed a computer version of a handyman's workbench that help users work with their on-line activities.
Landauer, T. (1995) The trouble with computers: Usefulness, usability and productivity. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-12186-7.
This important book questions whether the introduction of computers have actually made businesses more productive. Landauer targets to aspects of computing design as the culprits: is usefuleness and its usability, and suggests what should be done.
Laurel, B. (1991) Computers as Theatre. Addison Wesley. ISBN 0-201-51-48-0/
This book presents a vision of human computer interaction driven by dramatic theories and techniques.
Nardi, B. (1993). A small matter of programming: Perspectives on end-user computing. 162 pages, MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-14053-5.
Argues that programming can be put in the hands of end users by providing them with task-specific programming languages embedded in appropriate visual frameworks.
Nelson, T. (1974, revised 1987) Computer Lib/Dream Machines. Tempus Books, Microsoft Press. ISBN 0-914845-49-7.
A revolutionary popular book (in its time) promoting the idea of computers for the masses.
Suchman, L. (1987) Plans and situated actions: The problem of human machine communication. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-33739-9.
This must-read book challenges the "planning"model of activity with a new model that suggests that most people's actions are produced by the nuances of their particular situations.

Usability engineering

Beyer, H. and Holtzblatt, K. (1998) Contextual Design: Defining Customer-Centered Design. Morgan-Kaufmann.ISBN 1-55860-411-1.
An excellent and detailed description of the contextual design process.
Bias, R. and Mayhew, D. (1994) Cost-Justifying Usability. 334 pages. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-095810-4.
Still to read...
Dumas, J. and Redish, J. (1993) A Practical Guide to Usability Testing. 412 pages, Ablex. ISBN 0-89391-991-8
A practical "how-to" guide to setting up and carrying out usability testing within your organization.
Ericsson, K. and Simon, H. (1993) Protocol analysis: Verbal reports as data. MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-5502307
A good book that describes the ins and outs of protocol analysis
Hackos, J.T. and Redish, J.C. (1998) User and Task Analysis for Interface Design. Wiley Computer Publishing, ISNB 0-471-17831-4
A text describing how task analysis can be performed.
Lewis & Reiman (1993) Task Centered User Interface Design.
On-line shareware that gives a good practitioner's approach to design.
Nielsen, J. (1993) Usability Engineering, Academic Press.
One of the first books that provided a practical approach to treating interface design as an engineering process. Contains a wealth of methods and approaches.
Nielsen, J. and Mack, R. (1994) Usability Inspection Methods, Academic Press.
Collects readings on inspection methods, where designers can evaluate interfaces without direct user involvement.
Nielsen, J. (1989) Coordinating user interfaces for consistency, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-518400-X.
Rubin, J. (1994) Handbook of Usability Testing, Wiley Press, ISBN 0-471-59403-2
Another practical "how-to" guide to setting up and carrying out usability testing within your organization.
Spradley, James (1979) The Ethnographic Interview, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, ISBN 0-03-044501-9.
This book is a how-to treatise on interviewing people with the goal of making an ethnographic record. While not oriented towards HCI design, the methods can be crafted to fit HCI goals.
Spradley, James (1980) Participant Observation, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, ISBN 0-03-044501-9.
This book is a how-to treatise on performing participant observation with the goal of making an ethnographic record. It is a companion to Spradley's Ethnographic Interview (above).
Wiklund, M. (ed, 1994) Usability in practice. New York: AP Professional. 609 pages. ISBN 0-12-751250-0.
This collection of contributed chapters describes usability practices of 17 companies. It amounts to the broadest usability lab tour ever.
Wixon, D. and Ramey, J. (eds) (1996) Field methods casebook for software design. Wiley Computer Publishing. ISBN 0-471-14967-5.
This book collects case studies that apply usability engineering methods to real world systems.

Visual interface design

Baecker, R. and Marcus, A. (1990) Human factors and typography for more readable programs. ACM Press. ISBN 0-201-10745-7.
This beautifully done book is the best one I've seen on making program code readable through typographic manipulations.
Bowie, J. (1995) Data visualization in molecular science: Tools for insight and innovation. 282 pages. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-58157-4.
Discusses visualization techniques as applied to molecular science.
Cooper, A (1995) About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design. IDG Books. ISBN 1-56884-322-4
This book discusses many graphical techniques as applied to the Windows platform. While not as "general" as other HCI books, he raises many good points.
Horton, W. (1994) The Icon Book. Wiley.
Everything you always wanted to know about icons. Definitely a specialized book.
Howlett, V. (1996). Visual interface design for Windows. 230 pages. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-13419-8.
A book describing graphical desing as applied to the Windows interface. Good if you want a platform-specific book, but Mullet and Sano's book is more general.
Marcus, A., Smilonich, N. and Thompson, L. (1995) The cross-GUI handbook for multiplatform user interface design. 276 pages. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-57592-2.
Provides comparative information about the main GUI styles available in 1995.
Mullet, K. and Sano, D. (1995) Designing visual interfaces: Communication Oriented Techniques. Sunsoft Press. ISBN 0-13-303389-9
One of the only books that brings graphical design principles to interface design without getting caught up in a particular platform discussion. A must have resource.
Sano, D. (1996) Designing large-scale web sites: A visual design methodology. Wiley Computer Publishing. ISBN 0-471-14276-X.
An excellent book describing how web sites should be designed, with particular attention paid to its visual properties.
Siegel, D. (1996) Creating killer web sites. Hayden Books. ISBN 1-56830-289-4.
A design book for the web that concentrates on graphical tricks and commercial site creation.
Tufte, E. Three books from Graphics Press, PO Box 430, Cheshire, Connectictut, 06410.
(1983) Visual display of quantitative information
(1990) Envisioning information
(1997) Visual explanations
This beautiful series present supurb examples of excellence in graphical information visualization techniques. While examples are not of computer interfaces, the principles can be easily applied to them. Great reads.

Human Factors

Flach, J., Hancock, P., Caird, J. and Vicente, K. (eds) (1995) Global perspective on the ecology of human-machine systems. LEA Press. ISBN 0-8058-1382-9
A collection of papers on Ecological Psychology
Hancock, P., Flach, J.,  Caird, J. and Vicente, K. (eds) (1995) Local applicationsl of the ecological approach to human-machine systems. LEA Press. ISBN 0-8058-13802-2
A second collection of papers on Ecological Psychology
Perlman, G., Green, G. and Wogalter, M. (eds) (1995) Human factors perspectives on human-computer interaction. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. ISBN 0-945289-05-7.
This books culls the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual conference proceedings over 21 years for good HCI papers.
Reason, J. (1990) Human Error. 302 pages. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-31419-4
Perhaps the book on human error. A must for anyone interested in why people make errors and what can be done about them.

Special Topics

Browne, D., Totterdall, P., and Norman, M. (Eds) (1990) Adaptive User Interfaces. Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-137755-5.
An edited collection of papers arising from the Alvey adaptive intelligent dialogues project.
Browne, D. (1994) Studio: Structured User-interface for Interaction Optimization. Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-104721-4
Collins, D. (1995) Designing object-oriented user interfaces. Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company. ISBN 0-8053-5350-X.
Cypher, A. (ed, 1993) Watch what I do: Programming by Demonstration. MIT Press. 652 pages, ISBN 0-262-03213-9.
This is the book to read on programming by demonstratin. Delightful!
Edwards, A. (ed) (1995) Extra-ordinary human computer interaction. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-43413-0
One of the few collections of papers concerning interfaces for people with special needs.
Huff, D. (1954) How to lie with statistics. Norton and Co.
A great book describing the way that statistics can be misleading; useful to train people behind the meaning of the statistics, rather than the raw numbers.

Ishiguro, T. (ed) (1997) Multimedia Computing: Proceedings of the 6th NEC Research Symposium. SIAM. ISBN 0-89871-372-2

Kramer, G. (Ed) (1993) Auditory display: Sonification, audification, and auditory interfaces. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-62604.
Various papers about sound in the interface, produced as part of the Proceedings of the Sate Fe Institute Studies of Complexity, Proc. Vol. XVIII.
Kuhn, W. and Blumental, B. (1996). Spatialization: Spatial metaphors for user interfaces. GeoInfo 8, Dept of Geoinformation, Technical University of Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-901716-08-4.
A set of tutorial notes that describes spatial metaphors, presented at ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

Computer Supported Cooperative Work

Baecker, R. (ed.) (1993) Readings in groupware and computer supported cooperative work. Morgan  Kaufmann, ISBN 1-55860-241-0.
A great collection of CSCW readings that defines the field. Slightly dated, but great foundations.
Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (editor) (1998) Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. Trends in Software Series, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, ISBN 0471 96736 X. 258pp.
A very nice collection of technical papers on CSCW systems.
Clark, H. (1996) Using language. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-56745-9.
This fabulous book is the definitive book on the way people use language as a form of joint action. A must read for anyone serious about real time CSCW research.
Finn, K., Sellen, A., and Wilbur, S. (eds) (1997). Video-mediated communication. 570 pages, LEA Press. ISBN 0-8058-2287-8.
A great collection of readings that lays the foundations of video-mediated communications..
Galegher, J., Kraut, R. and Egido, C. (1990) Intellectual Teamwork: Social and technolgical foundations of cooperative work. LEA Press. ISBN 0-8058-0534-6.
An excellent CSCW collection that emphasises the sociology of CSCW.
Greenberg, S., ed. (1991). Computer supported cooperative work and groupware. 422 pages, Academic Press, London. ISBN 0-12-299220-2.
Features chapters by CSCW pioneers on computer-mediated communication, innovative groupware technologies, participatory design, methodologies for studying group interaction, and group decision support systems. Includes an annotated bibliography.
Greenberg, S., Hayne, S., and Rada, R., eds (1995). Groupware for Real-Time Drawing: A Designer's Guide. 248 pages, McGraw-Hill Book Company Europe, Berkshire, England. ISBN 0-07-707899-3.
Describes the design, implementation, and commercialization of conferencing systems that allow people to collaborate in real-time over a shared drawing surface.
Greif, I. (ed) (1988) Computer-supported cooperative work: A book of readings. Morgan-Kaufmann. ISBN 0-934613-57-5.
This is probably the first book on CSCW, and presents many historic readings.
Hiltz, S. and Turoff, M. (1993) The network nation: Human communication via computer. The MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-58120-5.
This is a revision of the first major book on CMC (Computer Mediated Communication).
Ishida, T. (Ed.) (1998). Community Computing: Collaboration over Global Information Networks. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-97965-1.
A collection of papers concerning groupware for human communities.
Ishida, T. (Ed.) (1998) Community Computing and Support Systems: Social Interaction in Networked Communities. Springer. ISBN 3-540-65475-5.
Book based on the Kyout Meeting on Social Interaction and CommunityWare.
Johansen, R. and Swigart, R. (1994) Upsizing the individual in the downsized organization. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-62712-4.
Still to read.
Johansen, R., Sibbet, D., Benson, S., Martin, A., Mittman, R. and Saffo, P.. (1991) Leading Business Teams Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-52829-0.
A book explaining how teams can use groupware technology to enhance their performance.
Marca, D. and Bock, G. (eds) (1992). Groupware: Software for computer-supported cooperative work. IEEE Computer Society Press. ISBN 0-8186-2637-2.
Another collection of CSCW readings. Baecker's collection is (in my opinion) better.
Olson, M. (1989) Technological support for work group collaboration. LEA Press. ISBN 0-8058-0304-1
An early, small collection of CSCW readings.
Rada, R. (Ed) (1996) Groupware and Authoring. Academic Press. ISNB 0-12-575005-6.
A collection of papers that discusses groupware authoring.
Shrage, M. (1995) No more teams! Doubleday. ISBN 0-385-47603-5.
Still to read....
Thomas, P. (ed) 1996. CSCW requirements and evaluation. Springer. ISBN 3-540-19963-2.
Still to read...

Vertegaal, Roel 1998.Look who's talking to whom: Mediating joint attention in multiparty communciation & collaboration. PhD Thesis, Cognitive Ergonomics Dept, University of Twente, The Netherlands. ISBN 90-3651-1747.

Software Engineering

Yourdon, E. (1997) Death March: The complete software developer's guide to surviving mission impossible projects. 218 pages, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-748310-4.
This quick read describes the characteristics of 'death march' software projects ie projects that must be delivered under near to impossible conditions. A good read for software folks if only to recognize when you are part of a 'death march' project!


Assets Conference on Assistive Technologies
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM)
1982-present, except 1984, including companion proceedings
CSCL Computer Support for Collaborative Learning
95, 97
CSCW Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ACM)

Streitz, N., Konomi, S. and Burkhardt, H. (eds) (1998) Cooperative Buildings: Integrating Information, Organization and Architecture. Proceedings of the CoBuild'98 First International Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, February. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1370. Springer, ISBN 3-540-64237-4.

DIS Symposium on Desigining Interactive Systems (ACM
ECSCW European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ACM)
Graphics Interface (Morgan Kauffman)
Group, COOCS Confernce on Organizational Computing Systems (and its other various names) (ACM)
Guelph Symposium on Computer Mediated Communications
Hypertext (ACM)
International Symposium on Wearable Computers
International Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces
NEC Research Symposium
98 (the Human-centric multimedia community)
New Zealand Computer Science Research Students' Conference
OZCHI Australian Conference on Computer Human Interaction
PDC Participatory Design Conference (ACM)
People and Computers (Proceedings of BCS Human Computer Interaction)
UIST User Interface Software and Technology (ACM)
90-92, 94-97