Notes for Teaching Assistants Labs 4
& 5
Your fourth lab session
Labs will not be held this week. Instead,
- Grade the assignments and get them back to me by the end
of the week so I can check them
- Be available for students who are doing Assignment 2.
- Collect general comments on Assignment 1
(strengths/weaknesses) that you will tell students to
follow/avoid for Assignment 2.
Your fifth lab session
Topics covered are:
- Questions on Assignment 1 marking (briefly!)
- Assignment 2 expectations and grading
- Lead a discussion on the system evaluated in Ass2
- Introduce the project
- At end of formal lab, go over individual reports
Assignment 1 marking
- students will likely have questions for you
- tell students overall things you noticed when marking
- what made write-ups excellent
- what made write-ups weak
- where marks were typically lost
- while you should answer high-level questions about
marking, defer picky questions (e.g. actual grade) until
the end of the formal lab
- I strongly suggest you ask students with complaints over
their grading to give in their assignment with a note on
it that says exactly where they feel the grading
was wrong, and exactly why they should be
- encourage groups to discuss their assignment 1 reports
with you. This is the best way to give feedback!
Assignment 2 expectations/grading
- give out grading sheet
- go over main differences (organization and final section)
- length should be long enough to tell the story! But
probably no shorter than 8 pages, no longer than 20.
- Stress:
report should be oriented toward manager
must be readable
must show deep thought
- Refer to lab 3ís notes for details of writeup
System discussion
- have people present their sample tasks, and why they
thought they were good (or bad) ones. In particular, did
they explore a common thing that users did in the system,
or an arcane part of the system? Did the task really
matter that much?
- have people discuss their general observations and
anecdotal evidence of what happened
- try to elicit some problems of the system, at both the
low level (particular examples) and the high level (ie
how they generalize)
- try to elicit design changes of the system that use the
same technology
- If you have time, have them design a new interface to the
Assignment 3 project
- briefly introduce the project(see handout)
- get them ready for first milestone, as below:
- choose project area
not to ambitious/large
better to have excellent interface to small system
- start exploring many interface ideas with paper/pencil
- present best ones to class as sketches/storyboard/pictive
- explain other aspects of first milestone
Last updated April
1997, by Saul Greenberg