Ethical Review Form:
Human Subjects

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary

Exact title of research:

Breif description of research goal and its methodology

Principal investigator(s)

Type of research:

Will the project/research require ethical approval at the University level

Briefly describe the sample of persons to be used in this study

Method of recruiting subjects

Estimate the amount of time you will require of each subject in the study/project, including frequency of tests

Do you intend to pay or renumerate subjects for their participation?

Will you be using any form of deception?

Will this study involve any of the following manipulations?

Is there any risk to subjects (physical and/or psychological)? Y

How do you plan to handle the requirements of confidentiality?

How do you plan to debrief subjects after the experimental situation?

Will informed consent be obtained?

The principal investigator agrees that changes to any or all of the stated information on this form, subsequent to ethical approval, will require another ethical review.

Name of principal investigator:_________________________________ Position:_______________________________


This is to certify that the Department of Computer Science Ethics Review Committee (Human Subjects) has examined and approved the ethics of the attached research/thesis project.


