Detailed Explanation of Form 3
Problems Selecting Actions Given Proper Goals

    This form examines for potential action problems given the appropriate goals.  This step in the CW focuses on whether actions are available, whether there is a link between the action and some current subgoal, whether there are competing actions, whether the user has time to make the necessary selection, and finally whether the action is easy to execute.

Modified from Polson et al. (1992).

3.1    Availability.  Is it obvious that the correct action is available and a possible choice at this step?

3.2    Label.  What label or description is provided by the system to indicate that the correct action should be performed?  Is this label clearly and obviously linked to the correct action?  Does the label provide for a clear link between the action and the completion of an appropriate goal?  How?  Assume all users have the appropriate goals listed in 2.1 of form 2.

3.3    No Label.  If there does not exist a label to both execute the right action and link it to the appropriate goal, how will users achieve this?

3.4    Wrong Choices.  Are there other actions that might also seem appropriate for the given goal?  What are they and how might users avoid choosing the wrong action?

3.5    Time-out.  If there exists a time out by the system, does it allow the user to select the appropriate action?  How?

3.6    Hard to do.  Are there physical constraints involved in the execution of action that makes it difficult to do?  (I.E..  A long action sequence).

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